General questions
1. What is U-Pay?
U-Pay is an electronic voucher for sale at retailers and for use at webshops that accept the U-Pay voucher in payment for products or services. U-Pay is issued by Prepaid Financial Services Limited, an electronic money institution that is authorised and U-Pay is a PFS E-Voucher.
2. Who can use U-Pay?
Anybody of age 18 or older can use U-Pay; you don't need a bank account or a payment card.
3. What is a webshop and which webshops accept U-Pay?
A webshop is an online merchant selling products and services via its website.
4. How safe is U-Pay?
U-Pay is a unique voucher pin code for secure transactions. You must keep your U-Pay voucher safe and protect it from access by unauthorised third parties. Do not give your Voucher Code to any unauthorised third party. You must check that your U-Pay Voucher receipt or confirmation has a Voucher Code and serial number. If you cannot read your Voucher Code or you believe confirmation is corrupted in any way
then you must inform us by email stating the serial number of the U-Pay Voucher.
5. How long is my U-Pay voucher valid for?
Your U-Pay voucher is valid for one year from the date of issuance.
6. Can I attach a password to my U-Pay?
U-Pay is electronic and has a unique voucher pin code – there is no separate password.
7. Is it possible to top up U-Pay?
U-Pay comes in the following denominations: €10, €20€, €50, €100, €150 and €250. They cannot be topped up.
8. How is U-Pay regulated?
U-Pay is issued by Prepaid Financial Services Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom as an electronic money institution.
Buying U-Pay
1. Do I need to be 18 to buy U-Pay vouchers?
Yes you have to be 18 years of age or older.
2. Where can I buy U-Pay vouchers?
You can buy U-Pay at any retailer displaying the U-Pay logo on the store window.
Contact us via email: to find the nearest location.
3. How many U-Pay can I get
You can buy up to 10 U-Pay Vouchers daily and hold a total U-Pay Voucher value of maximum €1500 at any one time.
4. I wanted to buy a U-Pay, but the sales outlet didn't know what it was. What do I do?
Contact the customer support via email to:
5. Can I also buy U-Pay online?
U-Pay is only available in physical retail locations and cannot be bought online.
Paying with U-Pay
1. How do I pay online using U-Pay?
At the online checkout of the Participating Merchant you select U-Pay as payment option, fill out the U-Pay Voucher PIN Code and submit payment by pressing “enter”, “submit, “pay” or other as the case may be per Participating Merchant.
2. How long does a transaction take?
A payment transaction with U-Pay is quasi instantaneous as the verification, authorization and redemption is done electronically.
3. What does “in payment” mean, and how long is an amount in payment for?
“In payment” means that a transaction is being processed. “In payment” changes to “Paid” or its equivalent once the U-Pay Voucher PIN code has been redeemed.
4. Can I use my U-Pay to pay in currencies other than Euros?
Payment can only be made in Euros.
5. Can I cancel a payment?
Payments made with U-Pay cannot be cancelled.
6. Can I have a U-Pay Refund?
If you would like a refund of your unused U-Pay please contact the customer support via email to:
Customer support will advise you accordingly. You will need to provide proof of U-Pay ownership and your identity.
A fee will be charged for the refund. Check the full Terms and Conditions on this website for all applicable conditions.
Contacting U-Pay
1. How do I contact U-Pay if I have a problem?
Please contact us as follows: Contact the customer support via email to:
2. How do I report my lost or stolen U-Pay?
If you have lost your E-Voucher Code, please contact customer support via email to: and request that the U-Pay Voucher Code is recorded lost. You will be asked to provide the Voucher Code, amount, currency and the date, time and place of issue along with your proof of purchase.
3. How do I replace a defective U-Pay?
You must check that your U-Pay receipt or confirmation has a Voucher Code and serial number. If you cannot read your Voucher Code or you believe confirmation is corrupted
in any way then you must inform us by phone on the customer support via email to:
stating the Voucher serial number of the U-Pay Voucher. We will then provide you with a new U-Pay Voucher Code.
If you are unable to read serial number but you are able to read the Voucher Code then you must inform us and send a scanned copy of the U-Pay Voucher
via email to
if you want us to issue a new Voucher Code. After satisfactory verification we will send you a new U-Pay Voucher.
1. Do I need to register?
You do not need to register with U-Pay to use U-Pay.